Saturday, June 28, 2008


So, today was nothing special.
except for the fact that I did absolutely nothing productive :)

I laid around in bed, literally until four o'clock.
Some may say that, that is a waste of a day.
But I beg to differ, I caught up on so much needed rest.

AfterI finally got up and joined the living, I got ready and spent a few hours outside, just getting my vitamin D.
Then I watched Camp Rock (it may be a disney show, call me crazy, but it is awesome.)
Then I went to the store, and got some essentials; hand sanitizer, jonas brohers magazine (ha!), and a mango fuze.
I then watched a movie with my grandma on Lifetime, haha.
Then rode around with Megan, and got a mango fruitista freeze from taco bell.

That is all my day was.
But I appreciated the rest.
very much so.

My brother is leaving for the beach tomorrow, and I will miss him dearly. (see picture above of him and me.)
He gets to skimboard without me, and I am jealous. :)
But that's okay, he deserves the fun.

"When you're kind to others, you help yourself; when you're cruel to others, you hurt yourself." Proverbs 11:17

Goodnight, World.

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