Thursday, June 26, 2008


lovely day, once again.

I am a children's minister intern and today at 4:00pm we had a car wash to help raise money for kids camp. The tickets were presold for $10 a piece, and there were about 25 kids who actually participated in this fundraiser, selling approximatley 10 or so tickets a piece, so you can imagine the number of cars that were there!

My wonderful best friend came and stuck it out for four very long hours with me, while I took pictures of the kids washing the cars. It turned out to be a really cool expierence, and I got some amazing pictures.

After the car wash Megan and I washed up and went to my grandma's house (which is a really cool hang out place) and my good friend Andy came to say goodbye becuase he is going to LA in the morning to train for his mission trip to China in a week; and ended up hanging out with us all night. Actually Meg is asleep on the left side of the couch, and Andy is on the right side of me watching Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. I have decided I am totally jealous of Andy, not because he gets to go to China (which would be AMAZING) but he gets to spend a week in LA, which is my future home while I go to seminary. Kim, I told him to keep a lookout for Lucy for ya when he gets to China :)

We hung out around the house for a while, then decided we were thirsty so we went to Whataburger, hung out at our usual outside table for a while, then headed to Ol' Trusty Wal-Mart to stock Andy up for his trip to LA tomorrow. Amongst all his stuff, we bought some sparkling cider, and stove top popcorn to have a going away party when we got back to the house.
Of course there wasn't a bottle opener so we had to use sissors, which was hilarious.
And although the popcorn acually worked, it took longer than usual.
An adventure, to say the least.
Now I am exhausted.
And tired.
But is a good tired... a sleepiness from a great day, from great friends, from great laughs, and from pure happiness.

Oh, and it is now officially June 27,2008; my wonderful friend, Brittany's birthday.
Big night coming up.

"Friends come and friends go,but a true friend sticks by you like family." Proverbs 18:24

Goodnight, World.

(Today I have two pictures; one of Andy, Megan, and I getting ready to pop our popcorn. and one I took at the carwash.)

1 comment:

Charles said...

i love car washes and LA is awesome... you should be jealous haha